> On May 25, 2018, at 17:15, Jonathan Morley <jmor...@pixsystem.com> wrote:
> Thank you for trying it out, Dave.
> 1) Can you please tell me more about how you tested?

J30 digibeta deck playing a Betacam SP with SDI to an Ultrastudio 3D with 
ffmpeg with your patch and configured with decklink. 

> 2) Did you run a capture command with ffmpeg after patching?

Yes. And I should have shared that command in my email. From memory it was 
something like: ffmpeg -f decklink $input-format-options-for-an-sd-ntsc-input 
-i “Ultrastudio 3D” -c:v v210 -c:a aac output.mov

> 3) What was the target output you we using?

QuickTime since the -metadata timecode=##### tag works well there.

I can test more on Tuesday. Thanks for this work!

> Thanks,
> Jon
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