On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 4:08 PM, Jan Ekström <jee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:39 AM, Alex Converse <alex.conve...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Jan Ekström <jee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> While the timestamp field is 8+24=32 bits, the DTS value is int64_ts.
>>> Thus, while I'm really bad at doing wrap-around logic, wouldn't it be
>>> something a la ´uint32_t wrapped_timestamp = (uint32_t)(ts %
>>> UINT32_MAX)`?
>> See the note about timestamps below.
>>> Additionally, I did briefly go through E.4.1 (FLV Tag) in the spec and
>>> it doesn't really seem to define whether this value is PTS or DTS...
>>> Is this defined anywhere proper? Given FLV's age I wouldn't be
>>> surprised that the answer would be "effectively DTS", of course. But
>>> if you've seen what  Adobe's implementation writes with B-frames it'd
>>> be interesting to see.
>> FLV AVC packets have a field called CompositionTime described to match
>> 14496-12. FLV requires this composition offset to be zero for sequence header
>> type packets. This strongly indicates to me that we want DTS here. In 
>> addition
>> the current muxer and demuxer already use dts pretty consistently for this
>> value (and use cts = pts - dts).
> Alright, so dts it is... That only leaves out the fact that we're
> stuffing int64_t into an "unsigned int", which most likely will not
> warn on 64bit linux, but most likely will on various architectures
> and/or systems.
> So we:
> 1) take in the dts as int64_t.
> 2) apply wrap-over at either 32 or 31 bits depending on if the signed
> value is ever supposed to be negative. Depends on how wrap-around in
> FLV is supposed to be handled (aka "Is the negative area ever supposed
> to be used from the 32bit signed integer field?").
> 3) Write it there.
>>> >      int64_t data_size;
>>> >      AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
>>> >      FLVContext *flv = s->priv_data;
>>> > @@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ static void flv_write_codec_header(AVFormatContext* 
>>> > s, AVCodecParameters* par) {
>>> >                  par->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ?
>>> >                          FLV_TAG_TYPE_VIDEO : FLV_TAG_TYPE_AUDIO);
>>> >          avio_wb24(pb, 0); // size patched later
>>> > -        avio_wb24(pb, 0); // ts
>>> > -        avio_w8(pb, 0);   // ts ext
>>> > +        avio_wb24(pb, ts & 0xFFFFFF);
>>> > +        avio_w8(pb, (ts >> 24) & 0x7F);
>>> Looking at the spec this is bottom 24 bits of the timestamp and top 8,
>>> thus why is the second one not & 0xFF ?
>> The mapping from dts to the flv timestamp we write to the stream is identical
>> for to what we do for non header packets. [1] I can pull this into a separate
>> function but it's only two lines so it didn't seem worth while.
> Yes, I think I commented on this that I hadn't noticed the signedness
> of the value there :) So this is 100% a-OK.
>>> >          avio_wb24(pb, 0); // streamid
>>> >          pos = avio_tell(pb);
>>> >          if (par->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {
>>> > @@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ static int flv_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
>>> >      }
>>> >
>>> >      for (i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {
>>> > -        flv_write_codec_header(s, s->streams[i]->codecpar);
>>> > +        flv_write_codec_header(s, s->streams[i]->codecpar, 0);
>>> >      }
>>> >
>>> Is it customary that even if you've got a live stream going, that the
>>> start point of a given ingest is always zero? In that case you might
>>> want to take mention of the initial dts, and then write offsets
>>> compared to that? Otherwise if you have an initial offset of, say, 5s,
>>> and then you a 5s GOP with an update, then while the difference to the
>>> initial timestamp would be 5s, using the original dts field you would
>>> get the second header having a value of 10s there. Or am I
>>> misunderstanding something here?
>> The FLV file (on disk) format requires the initial DTS to be zero. For FLV
>> over RTMP this is not the case.
> Oh, interesting... makes sense, of course, for continuing a stream
> relative to the last timestamp of the previous ingest.
>> At one point the flv muxer handled that itself, but that changed to handle
>> copyts better.[2]
>> For non-zero starting DTS should header packets have non-zero
>> timestamp? Maybe but that's the case irrespective of weather or
>> not we offset late extradata. Meanwhile many popular demuxers
>> (avformat included) special case initial extradata.
> Interesting, so in theory we should be making the initial
> initialization data to be according to the DTS according to your
> reading? Or is the initial extradata packet always supposed to be
> zero, irrelevant of the actual initial content DTS?
> As soon as these questions can be answered I think we've got the ball
> rolling on getting this in. As I mentioned already, this is an
> improvement.
There are some subtle differences in how FLV timestamps are handled on the
wire in rtmp vs in files, and I think that's what's creating most of
he complexity here.

In RTMP timestamps can start at any value, are unsigned, and have 32-bit
roll over semantics.

In FLV files timestamps "always" begin at 0 and are 32-bit "signed" but the
spec doesn't give any guidance on how negative values should be interpreted
or what to do in the case that the (logical) timestamp of a packet is
greater than
(signed) INT32_MAX.

Both of these specs are a little underspecified in my opinion and the
behavior of
popular implementations should probably be considered.

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Jan Ekström <jee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:48 AM, Alex Converse <alex.conve...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Sorry about the lateness on my part. Were there any later comments. I
>> haven't seen any. (And yes I can push this myself when all the
>> concerns are resolved).
> It's OK, it has been a rather busy time for me as well.
> I was already thinking if you had given up on this and if I should
> just apply the changes I thought were correct and re-post it for
> review myself:

I think changes to broader FLV timestamp semantics ought to be in
separate patches.

> * making the function take in int64_t.
> * DTS is most likely what's wanted so no change there.
> * most likely FLV never used negative timestamps (even though the
> value is signed) so:
>   1.wrap-around at the 31 bits for the signed integer value, and then

I have some doubts that this behavior is correct. In particular it
breaks the copyts behavior that the muxer tries to respect. 31-bit
wrap around is not a concept that any of the specs mention. How do
players handle it.

>   2. keep the 0x7F because the topmost bit of a signed field would
> never be used.
> * try to figure out if the initial metadata packet should specifically
> be starting with a zero timestamp, or the initial DTS of the input?

This maybe different for file-flv and rtmp-flv.

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