2018-05-07 17:41 GMT+03:00 Pedro Arthur <bygran...@gmail.com>:

> 2018-05-07 0:30 GMT-03:00 Steven Liu <l...@chinaffmpeg.org>:
> > Hi Sergey,
> >
> >         How should i test this filter?
> >         I tested it some days ago, the picture get worse from 2nd frame.
> >         input resolution 640x480 to 1280x720;
> >
> >         ffmpeg -i input -vf srcnn output
> Hi,
> The filter expects the input upscaled by 2x, therefore the proper
> command would be
> ffmpeg -i input -vf "scale=2*iw:2*ih, srcnn, scale=1280:720"
> The default filter is trained for 2x upscale, anything different from
> that may generate bad results.

Moreover, the filter expects the input upscaled with bicubic upscaling, so
for other upscaling algorithms bad results are also possible.
Also other models for x2, x3, x4 upsampling can be specified using
following command:
ffmpeg -i input -vf scale=iw*factor:-1,srcnn=path_to_model
Configuration files with other models can be found here:
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