Am 02.05.2018 um 23:58 schrieb Timo Rothenpieler:
Am 02.05.2018 um 23:18 schrieb

The patch enables dynamic bitrate through ReconfigureEncoder method from nvenc API.
This is useful for live streaming in case of network congestion.

A similar patch for changing aspect ratio dynamically was previously submitted by Miroslav Slugen:

but apparently was forgotten.


I indeed forgot that old patch. I will rebase and apply it first, so this patch will need some rebasing as well.

One note about the patch: doing the capability check on every single frame seems wasteful. I'm not sure how slow it is, but I'd expect it to be not free.

So doing that check once in the beginning with all the other cap checks and storing it somewhere would be better.

Also, the bitrate changes seem a bit static and don't match up with any of the rc modes, setting all the bitrate settings to the same avctx->bit_rate. Ideally this would use the same rate-control logic the main init uses.

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