On 4/25/2018 1:32 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 12:07:53AM +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>> Hi all
>> before anyone notices and asks ...
>> my box with my virtual fate clients on it died today
>> my arm clients should still be working though
>> Ill try to get it up and working ASAP.
>> Symptoms for the curious
>> attempting to power the box on causes GPU and PSU fan to momentarily spin,
>> nothing else moves.
>> then immedeatly powers down. no beeps, ive checked that a speaker is 
>> connected
>> seperating the PSU and shorting the green wire causes 12/5v/3,3/-12 to be
>> there continously and gray to go high for a fraction of a second.
>> I assume the gray (power check) should stay high, so if thats the case 
>> thats a PSU failure
>> so ill buy a new PSU tomorrow probably
> should all be alive again.
> If you spot something that broke then tell me.
> at least 2 clients had corrupted git checkouts
> thx


This one seems to have sent an incomplete report, as seen at the end of
the test log from the latest run:

Previous runs were fine.
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