On Sun, Apr 01, 2018 at 11:42:34PM +0200, Bodecs Bela wrote:
> Dear All,
> currently when specifying the program id you can only decide to select
> all stream of the specified program (e.g. p:103 will select all streams
> of program 103) or narrow the selection to a specific stream sub index
> (e.g. p:145:1 will select 2nd stream of program 145.) But you can not
> specify like all audio streams of program 145 or 3rd video stream of
> program 311.
> In some case, mainly working with multiprogram mpeg-ts containers as
> input, this feature would be handy.
> This patch makes it possible to narrow the stream selection among
> streams of the specified program by stream type and optionally its
> index. Handled types: a, v, s, d.
> Examples: p:601:a  will select all audio streams of program 601,
> p:603:a:1 will select 2nd audio streams of program 603,
> p:604:v:0 will select first video stream of program 604.
> This syntax enhancement does not interfere in any way with
> current/exiting syntax or working command lines

I think this is a good idea.
Can you also add fate test(s) for this ? (can be in a seperate patch
later of course)



Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is
to question oneself and others. -- Socrates

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