Hi FFmpeg team Is there a way to force FFmpeg not to play next packet right
after the previous one ended, but wait set amount of time before playing next
packet instead? Real-life example follows: Recently I found certain
IFF-files containing both audio and video data. Current releases of FFmpeg
playing only one of the streams (which in itself would constitute a bug, I
suppose, but it is out of scope of this post), so I decided to attempt at
fixing it. Until now I was able to rewrite libavformat/iff.c to: 1. correctly
identify and create both audio and video streams 2. split contents into
distinct packets assigned to correct streams 3. play both streams alongside
However, one issue still remains. Video stream in the files is, should I say,
continuous. That is, video packets are decoded and played in given order,
without any gaps and pauses. Thus video stream defines the duration of the
clip. On the other hand, audio stream is not continuous. Instead, audio samples
(sounds) are supposed to be played only at points in time defined in video
frames. Most importantly, there are periods in video playback with no audio
sample assigned - no audio at all should be played. The expected result would
be periods of silence between audio packets, when only video is being played.
The actual result is that as soon as the playback of the file starts, all audio
packets are played in correct order, but one after the other, with no pauses
inbetween. I experimented with setting audio packet pts manually, but it did
not resolve the issue. The result remained the same. Best regards kprz
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