On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 07:39:23PM +0100, wm4 wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 18:17:42 +0100
> Michael Niedermayer <mich...@niedermayer.cc> wrote:
> > The widget has new content.
> > 
> > This reverts commit 9275cd54eddb83faf5bd40ffaccb5717de8b798d.
> > ---
> >  src/template_head2 | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
> >  1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
> > 
> > diff --git a/src/template_head2 b/src/template_head2
> > index a0b11ab..71daf07 100644
> > --- a/src/template_head2
> > +++ b/src/template_head2
> > @@ -3,6 +3,29 @@
> >        <script src="js/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
> >        <script src="js/respond.min.js"></script>
> >      <![endif]-->
> > +    <script type="text/javascript">
> > +    var _bftn_options = {
> > +        /*
> > +        * Specify view cookie expiration. After initial view, modal will 
> > not be
> > +        * displayed to a user again until after this cookie expires. 
> > Defaults to one
> > +        * day.
> > +        */
> > +        viewCookieExpires: 60, // @type {number}
> > +
> > +        /*
> > +        * Specify action cookie expiration. After initiating a call or 
> > clicking a
> > +        * donate link, modal will not be displayed to a user again until 
> > after this
> > +        * cookie expires. Defaults to one week.
> > +        */
> > +        actionCookieExpires: 60, // @type {number}
> > +
> > +        /*
> > +        * Prevents the widget iframe from loading Google Analytics. 
> > Defaults to false.
> > +        */
> > +        disableGoogleAnalytics: true, // @type {boolean}
> > +    };
> > +    </script>
> > +    <script src="https://widget.battleforthenet.com/widget.js"; 
> > async></script>
> >  
> >      <link href="main.rss" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" 
> > title="ffmpeg.org" />
> >      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />

> 1. Including active content from a 3rd party site we can't control is
>    not a good idea.

the script needs to stay updated to match the current events, this requires
it to be on a 3rd party site for practicality.

> 2. Last time, it was in a broken state after the event (still showed
>    up, and showed negative time or so).

yes, if this happens again at the end, whoever notices first would disable it
also the code is on github, you can send a pull request there if it has a bug

> 3. There's no reason to bother people outside the US with US politics.

Like it or not but the US has a influence on the rest of the world
and its politics. What happens in the US to net neutrality will affect
what happens in other countries in the future. It will affect lobby groups,
suggested law changes, and is not unlikely IMO to affect actual future
regulations outside the US one way or another.
Raising a bit of awareness to this even outside the US doesnt seem a bad
thing to me. This popup will not reapper once its closed unless the user
deletes the cookie that tells it to not reappear.

But you can of course send a pull request to the maintainers of that widget
if you have some improvments

> 4. Is there a new campaign or what does the widget even do? I see
>    something about Feb 27, which was yesterday.

It appears to be a new campaign, i see no date on the widget text
The deadline for this one is 60 days beginning on last thursday IIUC.
Or maybe this is the overall deadline and there is less time for this.

Do you object to this being pushed ?
Iam asking so there is no misunderstanding in either direction.
I intend to push this if there is no objection.


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Observe your enemies, for they first find out your faults. -- Antisthenes

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