On 2/18/2018 10:50 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi
> Its 4 months since 3.4 was branched so its time for a new major release
> Is 4.0 or 3.5 preferred ?

Definitely 4.0. With the major bump, the removal of ffprobe and WinXP
support, catching up with the merge queue, plus a bunch of new API
introductions, using 3.5 for this release doesn't transmits the correct
message to downstream users.

> Any name suggestions ?
> If there are no objections i will likely make that release in the next weeks

The iterate() API for lavfi should be confirmed working and committed
before this release is made, as the rest are already in. But aside from
that i think the path is clear.

> thx
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