On Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 01:58:10PM +0100, Reto Kromer wrote:
> Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> >To clarify my suggestion,
> >the algorithm should be tuned for high bit depth before using
> >it for long term storage. This would be v4 (or later).
> >Personally i would wait for v4 and not use v3 for high bit
> >depth. Which is why i think its not smart to extend the v3
> >implementation with more high depth support.
> The issue is that in the real world we need to use the format
> now. Otherwise the film archives must use MXF/DPX instead of
> Матрёшка/FFV1. That's the point!

Then using the v3 16bit is probably the most realistic option.
And jeromes patch should probably be applied

I hope this will not reduce interrest in working on a improved 
9-16bit mode in v4.


> Last but not least, since almost two years now it's impossible
> to work on the development of FFV1 v4. It's always the wrong
> time and/or the wrong place every time I am doing something for
> this cause. Why? This is extremely frustrating.

I want to understand this too. IMO v4 development should be more
important than or at least equally to the v3 draft polishing and neither 
should block the other.

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into
despotisms. -- Aristotle

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