> On 18 Jan 2018, at 08:56, Tobias Rapp <t.r...@noa-archive.com> wrote:
> On 15.01.2018 13:48, Dmytro Humeniuk wrote:
>>> On 15 Jan 2018, at 09:14, Tobias Rapp <t.r...@noa-archive.com> wrote:
>>> On 13.01.2018 23:52, Дмитрий Гуменюк wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On 13 Jan 2018, at 01:37, Дмитрий Гуменюк <dmitry.gumen...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> On 12 Jan 2018, at 13:32, Дмитрий Гуменюк <dmitry.gumen...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12 Jan 2018, at 13:17, Tobias Rapp <t.r...@noa-archive.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12.01.2018 12:16, Дмитрий Гуменюк wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>> On 11 Jan 2018, at 09:20, Tobias Rapp <t.r...@noa-archive.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 10.01.2018 18:18, Kyle Swanson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> For this to be a part of libavfilter the output needs to be more 
>>>>>>>>>> generic
>>>>>>>>>> than the just the Soundcloud format. If we want this to be generally 
>>>>>>>>>> useful
>>>>>>>>>> it should probably just output an array of floats between 0.0 and 
>>>>>>>>>> 1.0. The
>>>>>>>>>> consumer of this data (JS library, or whatever) can use this in 
>>>>>>>>>> whatever
>>>>>>>>>> way it wants.
>>>>>>>>> I agree. If the BWF Peak Envelope output which was suggested in the 
>>>>>>>>> other thread does not match your demands and filter implementation is 
>>>>>>>>> actually necessary I would prefer if the filter would attach the RMS 
>>>>>>>>> value(s) as frame metadata instead of directly dumping to file. Frame 
>>>>>>>>> metadata can then be re-
>>>>>>>> RMS values may be counted for several frames or only for a half of a 
>>>>>>>> frame
>>>>>>>>> used by other filters or dumped into file by using the existing 
>>>>>>>>> "ametadata" filter.
>>>>>>>>> This would be similar to:
>>>>>>>>> ffmpeg -i input-file -f null -filter:a 
>>>>>>>>> "asetnsamples=22050,astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file.dat"
>>>>>>>>>  /dev/null
>>>>>>>> I like this idea, but won’t asetnsamples affect performance by 
>>>>>>>> creating fifo queue? And it may require some effort to parse long 
>>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>> I added asetnsamples to define the audio frame size (interval of values 
>>>>>>> from astats). You can reduce the number of lines printed by ametadata 
>>>>>>> by using the "key=lavfi.astats.foo" option.
>>>>>> I used asetnsamples as well, and I measured performance while 
>>>>>> transcoding - it appears to be slight slower
>>>>> I think output is now more generic and I got rid of long switch/case, 
>>>>> thanks for support
>>>> Here is most recent patch, seems like all comments are addressed, did I 
>>>> miss something?
>>> I still would prefer to have the value attached as frame metadata, then 
>>> dumped into file via the existing "ametadata" filter. Even better would be 
>>> to integrate the statistic value (if missing) into the "astats" filter.
>>> If your concern is the output format of "ametadata" then some output format 
>>> extension (CSV/JSON) needs to be discussed for ametadata/metadata.
>>> If your concern is performance then please add some numbers. In my tests 
>>> using an approx. 5 minutes input WAV file (48kHz, stereo) the run with 
>>> "asetnsamples" was considerably faster than the run without (1.7s vs. 13.9s)
>> Hi
>> As I mentioned previously adding metadata to each frame is not possible
>> as value may be counted for several frames or only for a half of a frame
>> I used 2 hours long 48kHz mp3 
>> https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/balamii/SynthSystemSystersJAN2018.mp3
>> For this purposes I set up CentOS AWS EC2 nano instance
>> Then I transcoded it while filtering like following (just to recreate real 
>> situation):
>> 1. -filter:a 
>> "asetnsamples=192197,astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file.dat" 
>> out.mp3
>> 2. -filter:a "dumpwave=n=192197:f=-" out.mp3
>> Results:
>> 1. 244810550046 nanoseconds
>> 2. 87494286740 nanoseconds
>> One of the possible use cases - to set up 2 chains of asetnsamples->metadata 
>> - for example:
>> "asetnsamples=192197,astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file.dat,asetnsamples=22050,astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file1.dat”
>>  for sure it will affect performance
>> Comparing with "dumpwave=n=192197:f=out1,dumpwave=n= 22050:f=out2"
> Sorry, I misunderstood your concerns regarding asetnsamples filter 
> performance. The numbers I provided have been for
> "asetnsamples=22050,astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file.dat"
> versus
> "astats=metadata=on,ametadata=print:file=stats-file.dat"
> When comparing astats+ametadata versus dumpwave it is obvious that a 
> specialized filter which only calculates one statistic value is faster than a 
> filter that calculates multiple statistics. But still my opinion is that if 
> the dumpwave filter is to be added to the codebase it should be more generic 
> (i.e. output frame metadata similar to the psnr/ssim filters for video).

Actually current output(normalised float values in range 0...1) was proposed by 
Kyle as more generic.
> Regards,
> Tobias
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