On 11/19/2017 02:29 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> 2017-11-19 23:25 GMT+01:00 John Stebbins <stebb...@jetheaddev.com>:
>> On 11/19/2017 02:12 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>>> 2017-11-19 21:46 GMT+01:00 John Stebbins <jstebb...@jetheaddev.com>:
>>>> The sdtp is required by the AppleTV 4K in order to play 2160p60 video.
>>>> +/**
>>>> + * Flag is used to indicate packets that contain frames that can
>>>> + * be discarded by the decoder.  I.e. Non-reference frames.
>>>> + */
>>>> +#define AV_PKT_FLAG_DISPOSABLE 0x0010
>>> What sets this flag?
>> Encoders when encoding, demuxer when remuxing.
>> The subsequent patches set this flag for x264, x265, and mp4 demux.
> So does this patch alone work wrt the description: Does AppleTV play
> 4k with this patch alone?

The commit message simply states that the atom is a requirement.  It doesn't 
say whether there are additional
requirements.  Are you saying you would like the commit message amended, or 
that the comment in the code needs to say
who must set the flag, or both?  Please be to the point.

John      GnuPG fingerprint: D0EC B3DB C372 D1F1 0B01  83F0 49F1 D7B2 60D4 D0F7

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