Hello, all:

Continuing my reading of the FFmpeg developer instructions, I find this at <https://ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Documentation_002fOther>, *Developer Guide*, /1.4.3 Documentation/Other/ :

   *Subscribe to the ffmpeg-cvslog mailing list.*

   It is important to do this as the diffs of all commits are sent
   there and reviewed by all the other developers. Bugs and possible
   improvements or general questions regarding commits are discussed
   there. We expect you to react if problems with your code are uncovered.

Most of the instructions here appear to be describing current use of the *ffmpeg-devel* list rather than ffmpeg-cvslog. Looking in the ffmpeg-cvslog archives <http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-cvslog/>, it's clear that diffs of many, possibly all, commits are sent there. But I see no evidence there of discussion since 2011 (though I might have missed something).

Is it really accurate that every contributor is expected to subscribe to the ffmpeg-cvslog list?  That "Bugs and possible improvements or general questions regarding commits are discussed there"?

Or, would it be more accurate to change the title of this section to read "ffmpeg-devel"?  And, to reword the "diffs of all commits are sent there" text to better describe ffmpeg-devel?

Thanks in advance for helping me understand,
      —Jim DeLaHunt

    --Jim DeLaHunt, j...@jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (http://jdlh.com/)
      multilingual websites consultant

      355-1027 Davie St, Vancouver BC V6E 4L2, Canada
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