2017-11-16 2:52 GMT+01:00 James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com>:
> On 11/15/2017 10:35 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> 2017-11-16 2:29 GMT+01:00 James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com>:
>>> The OP configure line is a massive dump of pointless
>>> "--disable" options typical from Gentoo builds,
>> Good to know we agree on something.
>>> so i didn't even bother looking at it for specific things.
>>> And now that i look at yours they are completely different
>>> as well
>> And I thought I spent several hours today only to allow you
>> to reproduce a crash to ease testing by providing the
>> necessary configure switches.
>> They are of course identical to what the op provided, do
>> you really suggest I added those stupidities for fun?
> Yours was "--enable-small --toolchain=hardened --disable-avx",
> and only the latter is in the OP configure line. They didn't use
> neither small or hardened.

So you are still saying that I added the options for fun?
(Thank you, as said it did take significantly more than
an hour to find them.)

The op used an equivalent for both small and hardened in
his configure line that imo is not supported by us, I found
a supported configure line that has the same effect on
config.mak and the resulting binary.

I knew that you were able to solve the riddle without
the configure line but I still believe it makes sense
for you to also being able to test a fix.

I do not understand why you wrote you cannot reproduce
when you did not even try to.
Since the issue is not easily reproducible with clang, I
still wonder if it is reproducible on Windows.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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