On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 07:12:57PM -0400, Bjorn Roche wrote:
> This patch enables paletteuse to identify the transparency in incoming
> video and tag transparent pixels on outgoing video with the correct
> index from the palette.
> This requires tracking the transparency index in the palette,
> establishing an alpha threshold below which a pixel is considered
> transparent and above which the pixel is considered opaque, and
> additional changes to track the alpha value throughout the conversion
> process.
> This change is a partial fix for https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4443
> However, animated GIFs are still output incorrectly due to a bug
> in gif optimization which does not correctly handle transparency.
> ---
>  doc/filters.texi            |   7 ++
>  libavfilter/vf_paletteuse.c | 195 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------

patch applied. I took the liberty to make the following changes before

- fix spacing issues around () you forgot to fix
- rename "threshold" into "alpha_threshold"
- move the option documentation in the appropriate place (it was between
  diff_mode and one of its constant)

Thanks for the patch, and sorry about the delay.


Clément B.

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