26.10.2017 16:43, Carl Eugen Hoyos пише:
2017-10-24 12:46 GMT+02:00 Maksym Veremeyenko <ve...@m1stereo.tv>:
24.10.2017 13:35, developm...@axeltechnology.com пише:
The patch contains trailing whitespace and tabs, both cannot be
committed to the FFmpeg repository.
You can use tools/patcheck to find the issues.
Cleaned up the spaces/tabs and added braces around else statemens.
similar patchset was proposed early (with more descriptors):
Did you send an updated patch after Michael's comments?
This would be appreciated very much!
but first patch *Extend Generic/CDCI picture essence descriptors with
additional items* could be applied to current head without any notices.
second patch was rejected:
this is not ok
it breaks API and ABI, MpegEncContext can change without major
version bumps, its not even guranteed the
priv_data is a MpegEncContext also the data can be stream copied
you can only take information from AVStream, AVCodecParameters,
AVCodecContext side data and the AVPacket data and extradata
to make it compatible to Michael's comments, some parameters should be
get from mpeg2 stream in *mxf_parse_mpeg2_frame*:
*Constant B Picture Flag*
*Identical GOP*
*Maximum B Picture Count*
but i have no enough skills to rework it
Maksym Veremeyenko
ffmpeg-devel mailing list