Am 17.10.17 um 20:37 schrieb Thilo Borgmann:
> Am 17.10.17 um 20:27 schrieb wm4:
>> On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 20:23:25 +0200
>> Thilo Borgmann <> wrote:
>>> Am 17.10.17 um 06:49 schrieb wm4:
>>>> I have realized that your veto is actually not valid:
>>>> - it's a Libav merge
>>>> - it has been for months in the Libav repo and you didn't specifically
>>>>   care, nor did you make an attempt to merge the commit in a "fixed" way
>>>> - this patch would have been merged normally, and you wouldn't have
>>>>   cared at all about it
>>>> So unless you intend to make a better, working proposal, I will _not_
>>>> allow you to make this "my" problem. I will psuh this in 3 hours. After
>>>> that, you're free to to reimplement this in a different way or whatever
>>>> as a merge cleanup.  
>>> Can you please stop this and just find a reasonable way to find consensus 
>>> on the issues you're facing?
>>> Is it really of such importance that you want to push this although there 
>>> are still concerns about what you want to do? Is this at all in any way 
>>> relevant for security so that time would be at all a factor? I don't see 
>>> any of your arguments mentioned above to be a valid reason to overrule 
>>> someone else's opinion.
>> I don't want trivial things getting blocked by pure bullshit that's
>> probably politically and not technically motivated.
>> The best part about this dumb shit is that I could probably send
>> patches for cuvid/videotoolbox that use dumb workarounds (i.e. uglier
>> and shittier hacks) than the discussed patch, and NOBODY WOULD FUCKING
>> CARE.
>> I'm pretty fed up with this shit.
>> Please keep out of this discussion if you can't contribute anything too.
> I do care because I am delaying my work on some other cuvid related thing 
> because of this.
> I would prefer not to dive into this topic any further because it seems 
> rather "not so important" to my task. And just another cook in the kitchen 
> would also more likely avoid conensus here.
> All I ask for is for you to find a reasonable to argue about your issues.

> I hope you see my point why I am raising my voice. Thanks!
> -Thilo

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