On 24/09/17 06:39, LongChair . wrote:
> From: Lionel CHAZALLON <longch...@hotmail.com>
> This adds hardware decoding for h264 / HEVC / VP8 using MPP Rockchip API.
> Will return frames holding an AVDRMFrameDescriptor struct in buf[0] that 
> allows drm / dmabuf usage.
> Was tested on RK3288 (TinkerBoard) and RK3328.
> Changes from Previous patch :
> - Frame colorspace info is now filled.
> - Frame interlacing is now filled (Note : currently had a bug in mpp which 
> will be fixed soon by rockchip, will set the to progressive).
> - hw_frame_context returns none as format for the rockchip specific 10 bits.
> - Added support for VP9 codec.
> - removed MPG4 codec : it seems that MPP doesn't handle properly all the 
> MPEG4 formats
> - removed MPEG2 : there is still an issue with MPEG2 decoder, this is being 
> investigated by RockChip.
> - the ION format has been kept for MPP init (rather than DRM) as this is the 
> only one working right, using DRM format will cause assertions upon close.
> - Other minor comments have been taken into account
> ---
>  Changelog              |   2 +-
>  configure              |  15 ++
>  libavcodec/Makefile    |   4 +
>  libavcodec/allcodecs.c |   4 +
>  libavcodec/rkmppdec.c  | 591 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  5 files changed, 615 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 libavcodec/rkmppdec.c

Applied (with minor changes as discussed on IRC, version bump, and fixup for 
recent merge to configure).


- Mark
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