I'm  really  sorry for the waste of your time... very shameful, that I
didn't mind to run fate first..

The patch had 2 different bugs at the same time:
-  samples  were  restricted  to  one  byte  being taken from uint8_t
- 0x8000 magic was platform-related

Sending the fixed version.

P.S.  On  my system (bash subsystem for Windows 10) ffmpeg works fine,
but fate breaks on tests/data/fate/seek-extra-mp4

> 2017-08-29 11:31 GMT+02:00 Александр Слободенюк
> <alexander.sloboden...@bramtech.ru>:
>> sending patch with bumped micro version.

> Your patch breaks fate, this has to be fixed in the same commit.

> Carl Eugen
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С уважением,
 Александр                          mailto:alexander.sloboden...@bramtech.ru

Attachment: 0001-libavformat-dv-read-dv-audio-as-BE.patch
Description: Binary data

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