On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Michael Niedermayer <
mich...@niedermayer.cc> wrote:
> hmm
> maybe i misunderstand but assuming we insert a block of dummy blank
> entries (without breaking monotonicity) and keep a pointer to that
> block
> then add entries with a av_add_index_entry()
> and in case of failure remove the blank entries
> this would result in the same as now and seems relativly simple
> it would not need memmove and in general would not need a log n
> search if each falls on the first spot of the block
> or am i missing something ?

This patch does what you're suggesting, but I'm not confident it's right in
all cases.

- dale

Attachment: ctts_fast.patch
Description: Binary data

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