This is actually a bug, that just doesn't affect anything.
First  of all, the logic of functions that work with ff_codec_bmp_tags
is "One tag -- one codec id".
Also  if  you  write  this tag as MPEG2VIDEO, and then read the header
(all by ffmpeg), it will interpret as MPEG1VIDEO:

ffmpeg -i whatever.mxf -vcodec mpeg2video test.avi
&& gdb ffprobe_g

(gdb) break avi_read_header
(gdb) r -i test.avi
(gdb) finish
(gdb) p s->streams[0]->codecpar->codec_id

Attachment: 0001-avformat-riff-remove-useless-tag-correlation-mpg2-AV.patch
Description: Binary data

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