On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:

> Le decadi 20 messidor, an CCXXV, Reimar Döffinger a écrit :
> > I don't think that's a correct description then.
> > First, the format is made to change and be extended, so what is
> > true now might not stay true.
> > But also the images can have arbitrary dimensions, in particular
> > they can be "3D" images with the third dimension being time,
> > thus being a video.
> > This may not be well enough specified for the demuxer to be
> > able to produce a proper "video stream" at this point,
> > but implementing it in the img2 framework to me seems to
> > have a significant risk of turning out a dead-end.
> Ok. To me, it looks identical to GIF: it is primarily an image format
> but with non-essential animation features, it was first implemented as
> part of img2 and only when somebody did actually implement the animation
> features was it implemented as an actual demuxer. I think it was the
> right approach.
> Anyway, whatever solution is chosen to fix it, the big chunk of logic
> duplication between the demuxer and the decoder as they are is IMO
> unacceptable in new and non-essential code. Even more so in the scope of
> an internship project, where the primary goal is not to produce code as
> fast as possible but to teach good coding practices.
> Therefore I urge again to post a dump of a typical three-images FITS
> file and comment it to see which part belong in which data structure.

Hi, i had attached a dump of FITS file in my previous reply. Please take a
look at it and suggest changes or should i make the one's suggested
previously to the demuxer ?

> Regards,
> --
>   Nicolas George
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