The MOV issue I am working on is likely an issue with our framework.  I
hope to have this resolved soon.

Assuming MOV works, we still would like to use MP4 with AMR NB/WB.  What is
the difficulty with enabling this?  Seems it has been updated to accept
Opus recently.


On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Bob Kirnum <> wrote:

> I tried adding support for MOV to see if I could use unpatched FFmpeg
> libraries.  Although both AMR-NB and AMR-WB do appear to record to MOV,
> neither result plays properly using QuickTime or Windows 'Movies & TV'
> app.  The MOV (H.264 / AMR-NB) sometimes audio plays, sometimes video.
> Appears that the MOV contains two moov atoms, one for audio one for video.
> Similar is true for AMR-WB, however, there is never audio as QuickTime and
> Windows app do not support AMR-WB.
> I also tried both MP4 and MOV using linear PCM (s16le @ 16 kHz).  MP4
> rejects the codec, MOV seems to have a similar issue as AMR, only video
> plays.
> I am using the exact same code as we use for MP4 so I am not sure what we
> are doing wrong.  Any suggestions for how to debug this?
> The recorded files are here . . .
> Thanks,
> Bob
> On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Bob Kirnum <> wrote:
>> Hey Carl,
>> I am not aware of non-FFmpeg apps which can record to MP4 containing
>> AMR.  That's not to say one does not exist.
>> I would agree that we likely need no changes for playing these MP4 files.
>> The MP4 requirement was from one of our customers.
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
>> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 8:01 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos <>
>> wrote:
>>> 2017-05-17 23:26 GMT+02:00 Bob Kirnum <>:
>>> > Did not realize the files I shared were too large.  I copied them to a
>>> > shared Google Drive here . . .
>>> The question was if you have files that were not created with FFmpeg.
>>> Anyway: Since both files can be decoded with unpatched FFmpeg, I
>>> assume the demuxing hunk of your patch is unneeded, correct?
>>> Any reason why you cannot use mov for muxing?
>>> Carl Eugen
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