On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 09:29:14AM +0000, Saverio Blasi wrote:
> Dear Carl,
> Thanks for your email.
> Yes, I can confirm that the patch as it is generated with "git format-patch 
> -1" passes the patcheck test without highlighting any trailing whitespaces.
> I can see though that the email that gets sent with "git send" has some new 
> lines which are not in the original patch. For instance:
> +                             die "ERROR: libturing requires turing api
> +version 2 or greater."; }
> There is a new line between "api" and "version" which is not in the original 
> patch file, which may lead to a trailing whitespace (after "api") in case the 
> patch is generated copying and pasting the text from the email. I am not sure 
> why these new lines are automatically generated and how to avoid that, would 
> you be able to provide some help with this?

heres the output from patcheck:

not gcc 2.95 compatible
patcheck.stdout:197:+        for(int option_idx=0; 
option_idx<option_ctx->options_added; option_idx++) {

x==0 / x!=0 can be simplified to !x / x
patcheck.stdout:166:+        if(option_ctx->options == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:168:+            if(option_ctx->options == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:173:+            if (temp_ptr == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:193:+        if (option_ctx->argv == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:369:+    if (output->bitstream.size ==0) {

Possible security issue, make sure this is safe or use snprintf/av_strl*
patcheck.stdout:181:+    strcpy(option_ctx->s, current_option);

missing whitespace between keyword and ( (feel free to ignore)
patcheck.stdout:166:+        if(option_ctx->options == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:168:+            if(option_ctx->options == NULL) {
patcheck.stdout:197:+        for(int option_idx=0; 
option_idx<option_ctx->options_added; option_idx++) {

Missing changelog entry (ignore if minor change)

not from patchchec but it looks like you assume error codes are positive


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Dictatorship: All citizens are under surveillance, all their steps and
actions recorded, for the politicians to enforce control.
Democracy: All politicians are under surveillance, all their steps and
actions recorded, for the citizens to enforce control.

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