On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 06:43:54PM +0200, Martin Vignali wrote:
> >
> > How does it fix it ?
> > if it doesnt contain alpha but tests alpha thats a bit odd and may
> > test things that otherwise wouldnt be tested.
> > But "fix" sounds like theres something wrong, not just odd
> > Can you clarify/elaborate ?
> >
> > thx
> >
> >
> Hello,
> I made a copy and paste of a previous line when i create this fate test
> The original sample, doesn't have alpha, so testing an rgba output doesn't
> seems right, for a decoder fate test.
> If i build ffmpeg with a configure line made to just enable exr
> decoding/framecrc (in other word, just to check exr fate test), this test
> fail.
> So seems to be more clean, to use the right pixel format here.
> If you think it's necessary to test rgb48 to rgba64 conversion, IMHO
> another fate test need to be created just for that, with different
> dependancy

patch applied


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

If a bugfix only changes things apparently unrelated to the bug with no
further explanation, that is a good sign that the bugfix is wrong.

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