On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 12:49:38AM +0200, Hendrik Leppkes wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 12:34 AM, Lucas Cooper
> <bobobo-at-google....@ffmpeg.org> wrote:
> > find_fps attempts to infer framerate from AVCodec's timebase. When this
> > results in a frame rate that isn't explicitly marked as supported in
> > av_timecode_check_frame_rate, find_fps returns the AVStream's
> > avg_frame_rate, which, per avformat.h, _may_ be set (or not).
> >
> > mov_get_mpeg2_xdcam_codec_tag, mov_get_h264_codec_tag and
> > find_compressor attempt to call av_q2d on the return value of find_fps,
> > which in the above case, may result in division by zero.
> Floating point division by zero is not an error (as av_q2d performs),
> and in these cases the wrong return value is likely harmless.
> What is the actual error you are trying to fix?

from looking at the code, i guess its the cast to int of a non finite


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