>> We recently just had all sorts of discussions what decoders should and
>> should not do, I don't think scaling in a decoder is a good thing to
>> start doing here.
> scaling in some decoders is mandated by some specs
> some standards support reduced resolution which can switch from frame
> to frame without the decoder output changing
> There is also the possiblity of scalability where the reference stream
> has lower resolution IIRC.
> This is kind of different of course but, scaling code in decoders is
> part of some specifications.

Would like to bring this back up.
I'd like to merge this, as specially the scaling is freely done by the
video asic, offering a possibility to scale without requiring non-free
libnpp. And cropping so far is not possible at all.

Yes, scaling and cropping is not something a decoder usually does, but
it exposes a hardware feature that has no other way of accessing it,
which offers valuable functionality to users.

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