Dne 14.2.2017 v 06:51 Hendrik Leppkes napsal(a):
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 11:00 PM, Timo Rothenpieler
<t...@rothenpieler.org> wrote:
It is problem in NVENC.

You create first frame before initialization of NVENC in CUVID, so this
first frame is not accesible to NVENC until
dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx->cu_context) is called in NVENC.

This trivial patch should fix your problem.

Very interesting. I don't think this patch is the proper fix though.
There never should be an active cuda context when returning from a
function, at least that's the premise under which I wrote all cuda
related functions so far.

This must mean that before, cuvid or something else must somehow have
leaked a bound cuda context to nvenc. So that might need fixing as well.

Indeed having an implicit context active would be rather fragile, so
best would be to revisit both cuvid and nvenc and make sure contexts
are explicitly pushed and poped wherever needed - but I assume thats
what you have planned to do now already. ;)

This reminds me of this patch from Libav which landed a couple weeks ago:

Its hardly complete and only handling it in one place, but its
probably fixing a similar issue.

- Hendrik
ffmpeg-devel mailing list
Nice catch, this patch in libav should fix it also, i think it should be backported as soon as possible.

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