> -----Original Message-----
> From: ffmpeg-devel [mailto:ffmpeg-devel-boun...@ffmpeg.org] On Behalf Of Sasi 
> Inguva
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3:30 AM
> To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org>
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] mov: support for multiple edits and cenc 
> decryption
> Can you add a fate test ? Rest looks fine to me.
1. Fate test
2. The original patch
3. Sample file - needs to be uploaded to 

The sample file was created with this python script:
import struct
import os

# encrypt
os.system('ffmpeg -ignore_editlist 1 -i mov-3elist.mov -encryption_scheme 
cenc-aes-ctr -encryption_key 12345678901234567890123456789012 -encryption_kid 
12345678901234567890123456789012 -vcodec copy -y mov-3elist-encrypted.mov')

# reapply the complex edit list
def growAtom(d, atom, size):
        atomPos = d.find(atom)
        size += struct.unpack('>L', d[(atomPos - 4):atomPos])[0]
        return d[:(atomPos - 4)] + struct.pack('>L', size) + d[atomPos:]

d = file('mov-3elist-encrypted.mov', 'rb').read()
d = d.replace(
d = growAtom(d, 'trak', 0x18)
d = growAtom(d, 'moov', 0x18)
file('mov-3elist-encrypted.mov', 'wb').write(d)



Attachment: 0001-mov-add-fate-test-for-decryption-with-edit-list.patch
Description: 0001-mov-add-fate-test-for-decryption-with-edit-list.patch

Attachment: 0001-mov-fix-decryption-with-edit-list.patch
Description: 0001-mov-fix-decryption-with-edit-list.patch

Attachment: mov-3elist-encrypted.mov
Description: mov-3elist-encrypted.mov

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