L'octidi 28 frimaire, an CCXXV, Michael Niedermayer a écrit :
> How does this patchset relate to the open-ness of the API ?
> you arent saying anything about the plans, goals, intend of this (or
> i missed it or fail to associate it with the patchset)

I am doing this to accommodate people who object to having a different
view of AVFilterLink for the public API and the internal implementation,
mostly Hendrik, Andreas and Clément.

As for me, I am pretty happy with the current code that gives a
different view of AVFilterLink to the public than the one used for
implementation. Something like that is needed because some fields have a
type that is not itself public.

> Iam asking as it seems like this is moving libavfilter further away
> from being "open" and centralizing control over filters more.
> I most likely misinterpret this as i just see the change in the code
> and dont know the whole story but IMO we should move toward a clean and
> stable API that everyone can use.
> That also implies to allow filters to only use public API.
> while this patchset seems to make filters use more private api by
> making more needed API private. I think a open API and external
> filter support would drive developers and users towards libavfilter
> while locking it down would likely do the opposit

I am not sure I understand what you mean by openness. Do you mean
applications writing their own filter and inserting it in a filter
graph? If so, I can tell you it is not currently possible, and has not
been since at least 2012-06-12 (9d0bfc5 lavfi: make AVFilterPad opaque
after two major bumps.).


  Nicolas George

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