On 28.11.2016 00:23, Nicolas George wrote:
> L'octidi 8 frimaire, an CCXXV, Andreas Cadhalpun a écrit :
>> Sure, but that conflict should be easy to resolve.
> Easy, yes. But it must be done at each rebase, that is annoying. Wasted
> time that can be better used.

I'm not sure I understand. Just do the rebase once, commit the deprecation
to git master and happily work on the other changes.

>> Worst case would be that if the deprecation isn't added before the next
>> release, this patch would need to be reverted.
> There is no reason to revert at all.

Not if the deprecation gets added, and thus this ifdeffery in avfilter.h
is reduced to a temporary problem.

Best regards,

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