On 22.11.2016 01:35, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> 2016-11-22 0:06 GMT+01:00 Andreas Cadhalpun 
> <andreas.cadhal...@googlemail.com>:
>> I tend to silently accept zero, because I'd like a
>> consistent solution and in some cases rejecting zero
>> causes FATE failures.
> If there were a bug, you should of course fix fate, fate
> alone is generally no argument in favour or against a patch.

The cases I mean don't look like bugs, just like cases, where it
is expected that some files set certain codec parameters to 0.

>> Because either our demuxer has a bug and should be fixed,
>> or some other tool created broken files, and if ffmpeg
>> informs it's users about that, they can try to get that
>> tool fixed.
> (Träum weiter)
> Seriously: We have an uncountable amount of files that
> do not respect some "specification", many of them apparently
> by intention, many written by applications that do not exist
> since a long time, and some written by applications that have
> fixed the issue meanwhile: Of course it can be a (very) good
> thing to print warnings but in general, we should try to fix a
> few of the thousands of known bugs in FFmpeg and not
> spend infinite time on possible issues in other applications.
> Sorry if I just misunderstand you.

I didn't want to suggest that we fix other applications, just
that users of ffmpeg can realize there is a problem in another
application, if files produced by that application trigger
a warning in ffmpeg.
(Of course this also applies to ffmpeg's muxers.)

Best regards,

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