On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 09:01:22PM +0530, Pallavi Kumari wrote:
> >> The frequency components after a R->C FFT are complex numbers
> >> the peak values of complex numbers are not the same as the maxima of
> >> their real components
> >> did the paper this is based on say anything about what is recommanded
> >> to take here for the maxima?
> >> It would seem logic to me to take the magnitude of the complex numbers
> >> instead of the real components individually, but that may or may not
> >> be what the paper meant
> >> not that we have to do what the paper says, we can in fact do something
> >> entirely different if it works better
> We need points who have high peak intensity(amplitude). Hence, we require
> amplitude value at frequency points (say x-axis is freq and y is
> amplitude.) so, I guess taking magnitude of complex numbers is logical.
> That's how people are using.

ok, do you know how to compute that or should i explain it ?

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