On 10/31/2016 11:30 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
> Le decadi 10 brumaire, an CCXXV, James Almer a écrit :
>> That's a curious thing to say when we have a voting committee to
>> deal with polarizing subjects that went beyond practical arguments.
> The voting committee is there for when arguments are failed: when there
> are significant pros and cons on each side and deciding which one is
> better and which one is worse is a matter of policy and taste and not a
> technical matter.
> People who try to vote instead of giving arguments are trying to abuse
> the power of the voting committee.

Afaics, the cons argumented were that this "demuxer" doesn't fit the
criteria of a libavformat module. It's not demultiplexing a multimedia
It, unless i misread it, is just reconstructing one out of a non-binary

This should be implemented as a separate tool using libavformat, and
not as a libavformat module.

See liboggz's oggz-dump tool.

> Regards,
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