Hi All: Do someone encountered this situation like the attach showed ?
If so ,could you give some tips about it ? What's the problem could it be ? I gave the theme about this as follow: I was used ffmpeg AVIOContext from other source. There were 2 AVIOContexts, one is input, another is output. The media data included by our private protocols, let's call it as "inpkt". When I got the packets and take off the header of the packet, rewrite the data from "inpkt" to "outpkt" which is AVIOConetext as well. The "outpkt" we used to send out to browser (Html 5's video tag) packed in another protocols. The data actually was from "inpkt" without protocols headers. It worked ok most of time. It will vibrate in some time.Is there any size limited for the attachment ? I got the video of the phemon about the frame shake, it 's supposed to larger as the attachment. The output of ffmpeg was ok and there was no warning or error information with default loglevel. I have no idea about this at all. Could someone give me some suggestions or issue what was it could be ? Thanks. _______________________________________________ ffmpeg-devel mailing list ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel