On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:49:58AM -0700, Jonathan Campbell wrote:
> I'm sorry if the previous posting was not recognized as a patch.
> This updates the mpeg12dec.c DVD caption decoding to decode field-wise and 
> handle caption packets with an extra field. It obeys the cc_count field, 
> though still validates the count like the prior code.
> I will start on a patch to mpeg12enc.c to encode A53 captions from the side 
> data.
> Jonathan Campbell

>  mpeg12dec.c |   45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>  1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> 77d60e69e6a08145f4f165c97456f92958d1d5e3  
> 0001-Read-cc-words-field-wise-limit-to-cc_count-and-suppo.patch
> From 8d64027573588a62728faebba55d67c00a3d4e3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: Jonathan Campbell <jonat...@castus.tv>
> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 10:57:04 -0700
> Subject: [PATCH] Read cc words field-wise, limit to cc_count and support extra
>  field.
> This code validates the cc words the same as the prior code this
> replaced in case cc_count is too large. Field counting is used in case
> caption source does not use the LSB to signal even/odd field.
> ---
>  libavcodec/mpeg12dec.c | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>  1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

This patch basically rewrites the code and without any reference
I can compare it against its difficult to make heads or tails of this.
or said differently how do you know this is correct ?
or how can i verify that all this is correct ?

some testcases or specification references would be useful

> diff --git a/libavcodec/mpeg12dec.c b/libavcodec/mpeg12dec.c
> index ca51c97..7c65f77 100644
> --- a/libavcodec/mpeg12dec.c
> +++ b/libavcodec/mpeg12dec.c
> @@ -2265,6 +2265,7 @@ static int mpeg_decode_a53_cc(AVCodecContext *avctx,
>          /* extract DVD CC data
>           *
>           * uint32_t   user_data_start_code        0x000001B2    (big endian)
> +         * -------------------- p[0] starts here ---------------------
>           * uint16_t   user_identifier             0x4343 "CC"
>           * uint8_t    user_data_type_code         0x01
>           * uint8_t    caption_block_size          0xF8
> @@ -2273,7 +2274,7 @@ static int mpeg_decode_a53_cc(AVCodecContext *avctx,
>           *   bit 6    caption_filler              0
>           *   bit 5:1  caption_block_count         number of caption blocks 
> (pairs of caption words = frames). Most DVDs use 15 per start of GOP.
>           *   bit 0    caption_extra_field_added   1=one additional caption 
> word
> -         *
> +         * -------------------- p[5] starts here ---------------------
>           * struct caption_field_block {
>           *   uint8_t
>           *     bit 7:1 caption_filler             0x7F (all 1s)
> @@ -2287,30 +2288,48 @@ static int mpeg_decode_a53_cc(AVCodecContext *avctx,
>           * Don't assume that the first caption word is the odd field. There 
> do exist MPEG files in the wild that start
>           * on the even field. There also exist DVDs in the wild that encode 
> an odd field count and the
>           * caption_extra_field_added/caption_odd_field_first bits change per 
> packet to allow that. */
> -        int cc_count = 0;
> +        int cc_count = 0; /* number of caption fields */

These are cosmetic changes, they belong in a seperate patch

> +        int caption_block_count = p[4] & 0x3F; /* you can treat bits 5:0 as 
> number of fields */
>          int i;
> -        // There is a caption count field in the data, but it is often
> -        // incorrect.  So count the number of captions present.
> -        for (i = 5; i + 6 <= buf_size && ((p[i] & 0xfe) == 0xfe); i += 6)
> +
> +        for (i = 5; cc_count < caption_block_count && (i + 3) <= buf_size; i 
> += 3) {

you change the code from "scan till 0xFF/FE" to scan caption_block_count
why ?
Is there a reference or testcase ?

> +            if ((p[i] & 0xfe) != 0xfe) {
> +                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "cc_count is too large (%d > %d) 
> or junk data in DVD caption packet\n",caption_block_count,cc_count);

> +                break;
> +            }

ive the suspicioun this should not stop here but scan all, then again
thats off topic as it did this before

> +
>              cc_count++;
> +        }
> +
>          // Transform the DVD format into A53 Part 4 format
>          if (cc_count > 0) {
>              av_freep(&s1->a53_caption);
> -            s1->a53_caption_size = cc_count * 6;
> +            s1->a53_caption_size = cc_count * 3;
>              s1->a53_caption      = av_malloc(s1->a53_caption_size);
>              if (s1->a53_caption) {

> -                uint8_t field1 = !!(p[4] & 0x80);
> +                uint8_t field1 = (p[4] >> 7) & 1; /* caption_odd_field_first 
> */

belongs into cosmetic patch, also the &1 is uneeded

> +                uint8_t pfield = 0xFF; /* DVDs that don't use the 
> caption_field_odd bit always seem to leave it on */
>                  uint8_t *cap = s1->a53_caption;
> +
>                  p += 5;
>                  for (i = 0; i < cc_count; i++) {

> -                    cap[0] = (p[0] == 0xff && field1) ? 0xfc : 0xfd;
> +                    /* If the source actually uses the caption_odd_field 
> bit, then use that to determine the field.
> +                     * Else, toggle between fields to keep track for DVDs 
> where p[0] == 0xFF at all times. */
> +                    if (p[0] != pfield)
> +                        field1 = p[0] & 1; /* caption_field_odd */

> +
> +                    /* in A53 part 4, 0xFC = odd field, 0xFD = even field */
> +                    cap[0] = field1 ? 0xFC : 0xFD;
>                      cap[1] = p[1];
>                      cap[2] = p[2];
> -                    cap[3] = (p[3] == 0xff && !field1) ? 0xfc : 0xfd;
> -                    cap[4] = p[4];
> -                    cap[5] = p[5];
> -                    cap += 6;
> -                    p += 6;
> +

> +                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "DVD CC field1=%u(%s) 
> 0x%02x%02x prev=0x%02x cur=0x%02x\n",
> +                        
> field1,field1?"odd":"even",cap[1],cap[2],pfield,p[0]);

that produces a printout for each packet, that should probably be
trace instead of debug level


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being
governed by those who are dumber. -- Plato 

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