Le decadi 20 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Marton Balint a écrit :
> The work needed fixing this is definitely not comparable to the work I did
> creating this patch, or the work anyone will have to do maintaining it.
> Asking me to go in this direction, seems an unreasonable amount of extra
> work for me, and most probably I will not do it, and rather abandon the
> patch, or maintain it privately.

I understand that, but the patch as is goes in the wrong direction. I am
sure we can discuss this a bit further and find a solution that goes in the
right direction but is still acceptable with regard to the efforts you can

> I don't trust the input channel layouts, I want to specify that all my input
> channel layouts are unkown. Can/will I do this with -channel_layout 0 or
> something like that?

I think the tool should allow to override all values from the input, as long
as it makes sense, and this applies to the channel layout without doubt.

In other words, I strongly support an option to override the channel layout
detected from inputs, including to set it to unknown whenever it makes

I do not know if "-channel_layout" is the right option for the job. At a
quick glance, it seems to do a lot of things. A simpler option that checks
the number of channels and overrides the layout may be a better idea; and
naming all the overriding options consistently could be a nice extra


> Sure, I plan to use uncompressed audio on the output side.

... I do not think that allowing unknown layouts too easily is a good idea.

Sometimes, it makes sense to have an unknown layout (at least until we have
a more expressive system, if it happens); for example,
dual-language-disguised-as-stereo as found in some TV broadcasts can not be
expressed as a layout. But most of the time, there is a channel layout, and
the correct solution is to make sure the tools and library know it as early
as possible.

I am pretty sure you are able to make the difference. But even like that you
may prepare yourself trouble for the future: maybe at some point you will
update your code to change uncompressed PCM to Opus, forget you neglected
the layout issue, and thus lose inter-channel correlation.

Unfortunately, our average users may not have that clear an understanding. I
suspect a lot of them, subjected to an issue, would try setting an unknown
channel layout as suggested by an anonymous on some barely-related
stackexchange question, see it cuts right through their problem and not
realize they are creating slightly invalid files.


  Nicolas George

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