Hi ffmpeg Team,

Good day to you,

We are waiting for your reply, kindly let us know your suggestion to
resolve the issue.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 8:51 PM, Markin Abras <abras_mar...@macdirectory.com
> wrote:

> Hello, did you hear back from ffmpeg? Did they say what we should do?
> Markin
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Markin Abras <
> abras_mar...@macdirectory.com> wrote:
>> Thank you for the error log but I'm not clear what you need me to do.
>> Unfortunately, I don't have the experience or knowledge to resolve the
>> issue. Why don't you email someone at ffmpeg directly and ask for their
>> support? They will certainly be able to help. Let me know what they say.
>> Thanks!!
>> Markin
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:05 AM, Madhav G <madha...@ndot.in> wrote:
>>> Hi ffmpeg team,
>>> Kindly find the attachment for the error log that occur when we try to
>>> install ffmpeg 3.1.2, if any other details you need means kindly let us
>>> know.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Madhav G <madha...@ndot.in> wrote:
>>>> Hi ffmpeg Team,
>>>> Good day,
>>>> We are waiting for your reply, kindly I request you to give some
>>>> solution on our issue.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Madhav G <madha...@ndot.in> wrote:
>>>>> *Hi ffmpeg team,*
>>>>> We are using your software past 2 years with following version and OS,
>>>>> CentOS - 6.8
>>>>> Php - 5.3.29
>>>>> ffmpeg - 0.6.5
>>>>> ffmpeg-php - 0.6.0
>>>>> till last month its has been worked well after that video does not
>>>>> converted, just new file will be created with 0 MB file, to solve it we
>>>>> have check your website and document then we came to know that, old 
>>>>> version
>>>>> is the problem, so we try to install new version ffmpeg 3.1.2 its has been
>>>>> installed but dependency file ffmpeg-php does not get upgraded, because of
>>>>> that following
>>>>> * command line in the php is not working,exec("ffmpeg -i sample_20.mp4
>>>>> outfile.avi");*
>>>>> *Error message :"Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.1 -
>>>>> maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"*
>>>>> *same time the command working well in command prompt.*
>>>>> I have attached the error log file that we got during the installation
>>>>> time kindly check it out.
>>>>> I hope you have understand my situation kindly advise us to install
>>>>> full package successfully and run the command in the php.
>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Best Regards,*
>>>>> *Madhav,*
>>>>> Asst Manager - Project
>>>>> *NDOT Technologies Pvt Ltd,*
>>>>> Block No 3,
>>>>> 1,2 & 3rd Floor,
>>>>> Mullai Nagar,
>>>>> Coimbatore - 641041.
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>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> *Best Regards,*
>>>> *Madhav,*
>>>> Asst Manager - Project
>>>> *NDOT Technologies Pvt Ltd,*
>>>> Block No 3,
>>>> 1,2 & 3rd Floor,
>>>> Mullai Nagar,
>>>> Coimbatore - 641041.
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>>> --
>>> --
>>> *Best Regards,*
>>> *Madhav,*
>>> Asst Manager - Project
>>> *NDOT Technologies Pvt Ltd,*
>>> Block No 3,
>>> 1,2 & 3rd Floor,
>>> Mullai Nagar,
>>> Coimbatore - 641041.
>>> *Phone:*  +91 422-434-2518, 519
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>> --
>> Markin Abras
>> MacDirectory.com
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>> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/macdirectory-interactive/id896198928?mt=8
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> --
> Markin Abras
> MacDirectory.com
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*Best Regards,*


Asst Manager - Project

*NDOT Technologies Pvt Ltd,*

Block No 3,
1,2 & 3rd Floor,
Mullai Nagar,

Coimbatore - 641041.

*Phone:*  +91 422-434-2518, 519


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