On 8/25/2016 7:56 PM, Oliver Collyer wrote:
> Hi Timo
> Thankyou for the clarification.
> Attached are what should be the final versions of these patches then, with 
> the support for YUV420P10 (and related conversion code) now dropped.

While testing these patches, I noticed that you now have to go through a
lenghty registration and confirmation process(read: I wasn't able to get
the Version 7 Header/SDK yet, waiting for manual approval of my Video
SDK registration).

I definitely hope the nvEncodeApi header is still MIT licensed,
otherwise it would force me to reject these patches, or re-introduce the
non-free flag for nvenc.

Either way this is a horrible situation, as bumping the SDK requirement
to version 7 forces every user to go through the same registration process.
I'll push for another attempt of including the header in ffmpeg once I
get it. Provided it is still MIT licensed.

Until that is somehow sorted, I'll wait with merging these patches.

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