>Most broadcasters are now specifying mandatory loudness targets for source 
>material, which is usually supplied as a target integrated loudness value and 
>a target maximum true peak. Loudness normalization is easy for files with 
>sufficient headroom for linear gain adjustments, difficult for files with not 
>enough headroom, and even more difficult for live streams – this filter 
>handles all these situations. The loudnorm algo is basically a loudness-tuned 
>AGC which was designed to honor local dynamics, followed by a look-ahead true 
>peak limiter. Using normal parameters the result is usually imperceptible, 
>even with very dynamic source material such as classical music. This filter 
>should be a major boon to broadcasters and digital distribution people, since 
>the only software currently available that does this kind of thing is 
>commercial, and for the most part very expensive (Minnetonka, Skylark, Nugen, 

This is a very important and expected feature for broadcasters, I support that 

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