On 5/4/16, 9:12 AM, "ffmpeg-devel on behalf of Hendrik Leppkes" 
<ffmpeg-devel-boun...@ffmpeg.org on behalf of h.lepp...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Felt, Patrick <patrick.f...@echostar.com> 
>>>> +/* libavfilter documentation says that filter init will be called only 
>>>> once.  ffmpeg calls the init twice to enable it to validate
>>>> + * the complex filtering has the right input and output pads. this allows 
>>>> us to bypass the first call if we've specified a stream
>>>> + * specifier string */
>>>> +static int initRun=0;
>>>> +static int uninitRun=0;
>>>You're not allowed to do this, it belongs in the local context.
>> I did realize that there will be issues if I tried to load the filter twice. 
>>  It wouldn’t function as expected with the current solution.  The problem is 
>> that ffmpeg calls init twice with two different contexts so any values I set 
>> in the context are cleared on the second run.  Indeed, the uninit() function 
>> is called after the first round.  Named Pipes don’t like being opened and 
>> closed; the ffmpeg process on the other end terminates because the reader 
>> left and sent an EOF.  I need a reasonable way to prevent opening a pipe 
>> twice.
>Global state is one of the things we will not allow under any
>circumstances, however.
>Its dangerous and usually a sign of trying to fix something on the
>wrong side of a problem.

Fair statement that I can fully understand (and get behind).  That said, should 
I look at trying to patch ffmpeg then?  I’m not sure the best place to fix this 
or the best way to even start tackling it.

>- Hendrik
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