On 3/27/16, Dmitriy <diz...@mail.ru> wrote:
> In come cases APNG encoder generate only static video.
> The errors are located in the apng_encode_frame function (pngenc.c file).
> The
> av_frame_copy(diffFrame, s->last_frame);
> and
> av_frame_copy(diffFrame, s->last_frame);
> functions doesn't work if the image size was changed in
> apng_do_inverse_blend function and return error code.
> you need insert the following codes
> diffFrame->width = pict->width;
> diffFrame->height = pict->height;
> av_frame_copy(diffFrame, s->last_frame);
> and
> diffFrame->width = pict->width;
> diffFrame->height = pict->height;
> av_frame_copy(diffFrame, s->last_frame);
> to restore image size before recovery diffFrame image.

Could you provide input file so I can reproduce this?

> --
> S uvazheniem,
>  Dmitriy                          mailto:diz...@mail.ru
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