2016-03-25 0:40 GMT+09:00 Rodger Combs <rodger.co...@gmail.com>:

> Fixed with this patch:
> i tested

there are some errors patch decoding and encoding.

patch error
patch -p1 < "audiotoolboxenc_fixed_1_remove unneeded packet metadata.patch"
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line

decoding error (aac and ac3 are tested)
ac3 2ch and ac3 5.1ch is false.

encoding error (aac, alac, pcm_alaw, pcm_mulaw  are tested. 5.1->5.1 and
5.1->2. channel mapping isn't examined)
aac from 5.1ch to 5.1ch. alac from 5.1ch to 5.1ch, and alac from 5.1ch to
2ch are false.

logs are attached


Attachment: ac3_2ch.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ac3_51ch.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: to_aac_5ch_to_5ch.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: to_alac_5ch_to_2ch.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: to_alac_5ch_to_5ch.log
Description: Binary data

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