The attached patch is my first SIMD code. It is more than 3x faster, so 
optimisations work.
But experienced programmers may find some more improvement.
I´m not really happy with the extra mov instructions needed in x86_32 for 
mrefs3 and prefs3 because of the register limitations.
I tried a lot, but this was the only way I made it work.
Since bwdif is based on yadif, I stole parts of the SIMD code from there. Also 
for learning how it works. Maybe I should add Michael and Daniel to the licence?
I will write SMID code for higher bitrates later, when this patch is approved.
Please comment.

Attachment: 0001-vf_bwdif-add-x86-SIMD-for-8bit.patch
Description: Binary data

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