On Mon, 22 Feb 2016 21:56:05 +0100
Andrea Lazzarotto <andrea.lazzaro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2016-02-22 18:23 GMT+01:00 Carl Eugen Hoyos <ceho...@ag.or.at>:
> > Do I understand correctly that your issue is that FFmpeg
> > doesn't tell you if an I-frame in an H264 stream is an
> > IDR frame or not?
> >  
> Is this related to the fact that sometimes cutting streams on
> I-frames (or using the segment option) gives some pieces where the
> first few frames cannot be decoded?
> Best regards

Not sure whom you are asking, but yes, this is related.
In yet other words, it is about defining bounds on which the temporal
piece of H.264 video can be cut out and correctly decoded/played without
any additional data. With ultimate correctness.
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