On 1/28/2016 12:03 PM, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> Hi,
> 2nd version attached.


> +    {"weights_file",  NULL, OFFSET(weights_file),  AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, 
> {.str="nnedi3_weights.bin"}, 0, 0, FLAGS },

I still argue this makes the filter useless for 99% of users.

- The weights are literally the only defining feature of
  nnedi3. Without them, it's useless.
- There's no documentation of where to get them or what
  they are, at all.
- In practice, *no other weights to use with nnedi3
  exist*, which makes the idea of an 'option' pretty
  silly IMO.

It's possible to include smaller version of the weights
like MPV does.

At the very least it should print some sort of info on how to obtain
this file, because it's a usability nightmare.

- Derek

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