On 1/22/2016 6:43 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> foo86 <foobaz86 <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> +    { "core_only", "Decode core only without extensions", 
> I am really all for this patch, but it would be much nicer 
> to all users if this were "disable_xch" and "disable_xll" 
> instead (or in addition).

I'm not sure it's worth it. A quick google doesn't show any guide or people
seemingly using these options, so replacing them with a single option that
properly disables all extensions rather than two attempting to disable single
extensions (and not even covering all available ones) shouldn't be a problem.
Especially when "disable_xll" is pretty new, was enabled by default and the
old xll implementation was not bitexact, so not exactly attractive for the

In any case, this can be changed after the patchset is committed, unless
some other changes are required to justify resending patches.

> Thank you, Carl Eugen

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