On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Andy Furniss <adf.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> wm4 wrote:
>> On Wed, 20 Jan 2016 09:59:12 +0000 Andy Furniss <adf.li...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> wm4 wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 20 Jan 2016 00:42:18 +0000 Andy Furniss
>>>> <adf.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hendrik Leppkes wrote:
>>>>>>>> I do not agree that it should be a warning. As outlined
>>>>>>>> in the commit message and this thread, there are serious
>>>>>>>> flaws with frame threading and hwaccel.
>>>>>>> I'm fine with it being an error, but since it is an API
>>>>>>> change, it should follow the usual deprecation period to
>>>>>>> allow downstream users time to fix it. Meanwhile it can be
>>>>>>> a warning so that people notice the problem.
>>>>>> Its fundamentally broken, and making it a warning would
>>>>>> re-introduce known crashes. So no.
>>>>> So are the flaws in ffmpeg or particular drivers?
>>>>> It does seem a shame perf wise, I've been testing my AMD UVD
>>>>> decode recently and for 500 UHD frames in a really high
>>>>> bitrate h264 file it's like -
>>>>> ffmpeg threaded = 16 sec.
>>>>> ffmpeg single thread = 20 sec.
>>>> With or without hwaccel?
>>> Both are with hwaccel. ffmpeg 2.8.4 cli
>>> Admittedly a very concocted benchmark with a very high bitrate
>>> sample.
>>> I know on normal x264 stuff my CPU could beat GPU anyway as the
>>> copy back seems to hurt quite a lot/UVD is for playing.
>>> For future GPUs that will do hevc I guess it could be more
>>> relevant.
>>>>> gstreamer vaapi 14 sec.
>>>>> gstreamer omx 10 sec.
>>>>> the omx is a faster as the others do nv12 -> I420 on cpu
>>>>> (AFAICT)
>>>>> Maybe -threads 1 hurts perf by limiting the format conversion
>>>>> as well?
>>>>> Is there a way to get whatever the h/w spits out (nv12)
>>>>> directly? Trying to ask for nv12 seemed to get a double
>>>>> conversion.
>>>> Both vdpau and vaapi can retrieve image data as nv12.
>>> With ffmpeg cli?
>> ffmpeg cli doesn't support vaapi.
> I know, but it does do vdpau: so to restate my question in a clearer way -
> Is it possible with ffmpeg cli -hwaccel vdpau to avoid nv12 -> I420
> conversion?
>> With what hardware was this? What were the command lines you used?
> GPU is AMD R9285 TONGA (drivers are still new/experemental) but results
> for this test seem consistent.
> Rest of system is older Phenom II x4 3.4GHz (cpufreq forced for tests).
> Mobo is PCIE 2.0 *Gig ram @ 1333.
> Here's a paste I made a few days ago - includes s/w test (which by
> chance for this sample comes out the same as multithread h/w) You can
> see from the time cpu use output I really do get h/w decode as requested.

If you would run with verbose logging (-loglevel verbose), you would
get information which format the vdpau code uses to retrieve the data,
as well as clear confirmation that it uses hwaccel.
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