On 12/29/2015 11:37 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
Mats Peterson <matsp888-at-yahoo.com <at> ffmpeg.org> writes:

Below are links to sample files, which should now be
displayed properly with bluish colors

Sorry, I am not a native speaker:
Could you explain what "should" means in
above sentence?

Please trim your quotes, Carl Eugen

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

Neither am I, Carl, so we're in the same boat. Anyway, the video sample description in that rotating earth file contains a 1-bit palette consisting of two bluish colors. In QuickTime in Windows or Mac they will render correctly, but without this patch, they (and all other 1-bit files with a palette) will be displayed in black & white.


Mats Peterson
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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