On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:11 PM, James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com> wrote: > On 9/29/2015 4:21 PM, Hendrik Leppkes wrote: >> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:08 PM, wm4 <nfx...@googlemail.com> wrote: >>> On Tue, 29 Sep 2015 20:57:31 +0200 >>> Michael Niedermayer <michae...@gmx.at> wrote: >>> >>>> From: Michael Niedermayer <mich...@niedermayer.cc> >>>> >>>> Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <mich...@niedermayer.cc> >>>> --- >>>> tests/fate/source-check.sh | 8 ++++++++ >>>> tests/ref/fate/source | 3 +++ >>>> 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+) >>>> >>>> diff --git a/tests/fate/source-check.sh b/tests/fate/source-check.sh >>>> index fb7af98..ac6bbc0 100755 >>>> --- a/tests/fate/source-check.sh >>>> +++ b/tests/fate/source-check.sh >>>> @@ -16,5 +16,13 @@ git grep -L -E "This file is part of FFmpeg|This file >>>> is part of libswresample|" >>>> "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify|"\ >>>> "This file is placed in the public domain" | grep -E >>>> '\.c$|\.h$|\.S$|\.asm$' >>>> >>>> +echo Files that contain words with common typos: >>>> +git grep -E >>>> '(^|[^a-zA-Z])([cC]ant|[dDwW]ont|[dD]oesnt|[uU]sefull|[sS]uccessfull|"\ >>>> +"[oO]ccured|[aA]wnser|[tT]eh|[aA]lot|[wW]ether|[sS]kiped|[sS]kiping"\ >>>> +"[hH]eigth|[iI]nformations|[cC]olums|[lL]oosy|[lL]oosing|[oO]uput|[sS]eperate|[pP]receed|[uU]pto|[pP]aket|[pP]osible|[uU]nkown"\ >>>> +"[Ii]npossible|[dD]imention|[aA]cheive|[fF]untions|[oO]verriden|[oO]utputing|[sS]eperation|[iI]nitalize|[cC]ompatibilty|[bB]istream|[kK]nwon|[uU]nknwon"\ >>>> +"[Cc]onvertion|[Oo]mmit|[cC]hoosen|[aA]dditonal|[gG]urantee|[aA]vailble|[wW]ich|[Oo]utter|[Ss]eperator"\ >>>> +"[Ss]uccesfully|[Rr]eproducable|[Ss]pecifiying|[Ss]eperated|[pP]recission|[iI]naccuarte|[iI]nitilaize"\ >>>> +")($|[^a-zA-Z])' | grep -v 'tests/ref/fate/source' >>>> >>>> exit 0 >>>> diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/source b/tests/ref/fate/source >>>> index 9cd8b30..7edd7e9 100644 >>>> --- a/tests/ref/fate/source >>>> +++ b/tests/ref/fate/source >>>> @@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ libswresample/log2_tab.c >>>> libswscale/log2_tab.c >>>> tools/uncoded_frame.c >>>> tools/yuvcmp.c >>>> +Files that contain words with common typos: >>>> +doc/t2h.pm: $program, $generator) = >>>> $self->_file_header_informations($command); >>>> +tools/patcheck:hiegrep >>>> '\b(awnser|cant|dont|wont|doesnt|usefull|successfull|occured|teh|alot|wether|skiped|skiping|heigth|informations|colums|loosy|loosing|ouput|seperate|preceed|upto|paket|posible|unkown|inpossible|dimention|acheive|funtions|overriden|outputing|seperation|initalize|compatibilty|bistream|knwon|unknwon|choosen|additonal|gurantee|availble|wich)\b' >>>> 'common typos' $* >>> >>> This kind of stuff doesn't belong into FATE itself. >> >> I agree, we have patchcheck for typo checking. > > As i mentioned on IRC, historically most wrong headers have come from libav > merges, and that's something you can't analyze with patcheck. > > Nonetheless I agree this functionality should be also added to tools/patcheck, > which is the proper place for this stuff, since at some point this test should > be removed and replaced with something else (git hooks? Merge script update?).
Typos should not be fixed in the merge. Either review and fix them before they get commited in Libav, or fix them in a separate commit afterwards. If I have to start fixing every typo in every commit that I merge from Libav, then I'm going to go crazy. So, just don't. - Hendrik _______________________________________________ ffmpeg-devel mailing list ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel